We are on a mission to create a world where everybody understands everybody. A world that is more accepting, more loving. We are always delighted to welcome new, talented people to our team who are equally obsessed with the idea of bridging the cultural gap with technology and we like to lovingly call them “The Brain Team”.
We, the Ollangers, want to create an inclusive environment in which everyone who visits and works feels welcomed and a sense of belonging. Every new environment is a challenge, and we attempt to break down that ice block, making it easier for people to feel at home. Collaboration and cooperation are essential parts of our everyday work routine because they allow for transparency in delivering feedback, teamwork, friendly rivalry, and empathy across the board. We believe in hiring the right people and giving them unbelievable amounts of power and autonomy. We have a culture that is extremely critical of ourselves, and we never feel comfortable with our success.
We, the Ollangers, want to create an inclusive environment in which everyone who visits and works feels welcomed and a sense of belonging. Every new environment is a challenge, and we attempt to break down that ice block, making it easier for people to feel at home. Collaboration and cooperation are essential parts of our everyday work routine because they allow for transparency in delivering feedback, teamwork, friendly rivalry, and empathy across the board. We believe in hiring the right people and giving them unbelievable amounts of power and autonomy. We have a culture that is extremely critical of ourselves, and we never feel comfortable with our success.
We, the Ollangers, want to create an inclusive environment in which everyone who visits and works feels welcomed and a sense of belonging. Every new environment is a challenge, and we attempt to break down that ice block, making it easier for people to feel at home. Collaboration and cooperation are essential parts of our everyday work routine because they allow for transparency in delivering feedback, teamwork, friendly rivalry, and empathy across the board. We believe in hiring the right people and giving them unbelievable amounts of power and autonomy. We have a culture that is extremely critical of ourselves, and we never feel comfortable with our success.
Champion the Mission
We are people who truly believe that the world smiles in the same language. We want more and more people who champion this vision.
Be Human
We love, care and cherish all humans. And their pets too.
Embrace the Adventure
We promote quirky and creative culture. We are crazy and look for the crazier. People who join us not just want a job, but they believe in this adventure.
Innovate. Day In, Day Out
We don't wait for the opportunity to knock. We build the door. We truly believe that innovative ideas don't come just from giving people incentives; they come from creating environments where ideas can connect.
Champion the Mission
We are people who truly believe that the world smiles in the same language. We want more and more people who champion this vision.
Be Human
We love, care and cherish all humans. And their pets too.
Embrace the Adventure
We promote quirky and creative culture. We are crazy and look for the crazier. People who join us not just want a job, but they believe in this adventure.
Innovate. Day In, Day Out
We don't wait for the opportunity to knock. We build the door. We truly believe that innovative ideas don't come just from giving people incentives; they come from creating environments where ideas can connect.
Champion the Mission
We are people who truly believe that the world smiles in the same language. We want more and more people who champion this vision.
Be Human
We love, care and cherish all humans. And their pets too.
Embrace the Adventure
We promote quirky and creative culture. We are crazy and look for the crazier. People who join us not just want a job, but they believe in this adventure.
Innovate. Day In, Day Out
We don't wait for the opportunity to knock. We build the door. We truly believe that innovative ideas don't come just from giving people incentives; they come from creating environments where ideas can connect.
We're neither stuffy nor corporate. We have the zeal and the boldness of a startup, as well as the expertise and practicality of a scale-up.
Continuous Growth
We lay a strong emphasis on lifelong learning. You'll begin your first days with a comprehensive overview of our company's culture, disciplines, clients, and work. We've got you covered with webinars, conferences, subscription books, and courses.
Fluid Talent
Employees and employment are evolving, and we're adapting by adopting a more globally scattered working model. We allow our people to work from wherever it is most convenient for them while remaining completely immersed in our culture and team. There will be possibilities to work in a variety of roles regardless of the office you are stationed in as long as you consistently offer high-quality work. When possible, we also offer flexible, reasonable work-from-home arrangements.
Participation in International Projects
We are working on projects that are both inspiring and daunting. These projects not just add to your knowledge, but show you what you're actually made of.
Global Environment
Our team reflects the rich diversity of this globe, with equitable access to opportunity and growth for everyone.
Work to Play
'Work hard, play hard' isn't the only goal. Our idea is to blur the lines between work and play. We always look for unconventional ways to reward such people. Did we mention that we pay employees for their referrals? So, when you come on board, don’t hesitate to introduce us to other incredibly bright individuals.
We're neither stuffy nor corporate. We have the zeal and the boldness of a startup, as well as the expertise and practicality of a scale-up.
Continuous Growth
We lay a strong emphasis on lifelong learning. You'll begin your first days with a comprehensive overview of our company's culture, disciplines, clients, and work. We've got you covered with webinars, conferences, subscription books, and courses.
Fluid Talent
Employees and employment are evolving, and we're adapting by adopting a more globally scattered working model. We allow our people to work from wherever it is most convenient for them while remaining completely immersed in our culture and team. There will be possibilities to work in a variety of roles regardless of the office you are stationed in as long as you consistently offer high-quality work. When possible, we also offer flexible, reasonable work-from-home arrangements.
Participation in International Projects
We are working on projects that are both inspiring and daunting. These projects not just add to your knowledge, but show you what you're actually made of.
Global Environment
Our team reflects the rich diversity of this globe, with equitable access to opportunity and growth for everyone.
Work to Play
'Work hard, play hard' isn't the only goal. Our idea is to blur the lines between work and play. We always look for unconventional ways to reward such people. Did we mention that we pay employees for their referrals? So, when you come on board, don’t hesitate to introduce us to other incredibly bright individuals.
We're neither stuffy nor corporate. We have the zeal and the boldness of a startup, as well as the expertise and practicality of a scale-up.
Continuous Growth
We lay a strong emphasis on lifelong learning. You'll begin your first days with a comprehensive overview of our company's culture, disciplines, clients, and work. We've got you covered with webinars, conferences, subscription books, and courses.
Fluid Talent
Employees and employment are evolving, and we're adapting by adopting a more globally scattered working model. We allow our people to work from wherever it is most convenient for them while remaining completely immersed in our culture and team. There will be possibilities to work in a variety of roles regardless of the office you are stationed in as long as you consistently offer high-quality work. When possible, we also offer flexible, reasonable work-from-home arrangements.
Participation in International Projects
We are working on projects that are both inspiring and daunting. These projects not just add to your knowledge, but show you what you're actually made of.
Global Environment
Our team reflects the rich diversity of this globe, with equitable access to opportunity and growth for everyone.
Work to Play
'Work hard, play hard' isn't the only goal. Our idea is to blur the lines between work and play. We always look for unconventional ways to reward such people. Did we mention that we pay employees for their referrals? So, when you come on board, don’t hesitate to introduce us to other incredibly bright individuals.
우리는 모든 사람이 모든 사람을 이해하는 세상을 만들기 위한 사명을 가지고 있습니다. 더 많은 것들을 수용하고 더 사랑하는 그런 세상을요. 우리는 항상 기술과 문화적 격차를 해소하는 아이디어에 공감하고 집착하는 정도로 실행할 수 있는 새롭고 재능 있는 사람들을 우리 팀에 합류하는 것을 기쁘게 생각하며 그들을 사랑스럽게 "브레인 팀"이라고 부릅니다.
저희, Ollanger들은 일하는 모든 사람들이 환영받고 소속감을 느낄 수 있는 포용적인 환경을 만들고 싶습니다. 모든 새로운 환경은 도전이라고 생각합니다. 그리고 저희는 그 도전이라는 얼음 덩어리를 부수려고 노력합니다. 직원분들이 마치 집에서 일하는 것 처럼 느낄 수 있도록 말이죠. 협업과 협력은 피드백, 팀워크, 우호적인 경쟁, 그리고 공감을 투명하게 전달하기 때문에 우리의 일상 업무에서 필수적인 부분입니다. 저희는 올바른 사람들을 고용하고 직원분들에게 믿을 수 없을 정도의 힘과 자율성을 드립니다. 많은 사람들이 우리 자신에 대해 극도로 비판적인 문화를 가지고 있습니다, 그리고 우리가 이룬 업적에 결코 만족감을 느끼지 못합니다.
미션 챔피언이 되세요
우리는 세상이 같은 언어로 미소짓는다고 진심으로 믿는 사람들입니다. 이 비전에 동의하는 더 많은 사람들과 함께하길 고대하고 있습니다.
사람이 되세요
우리는 모든 사람을 사랑하고 아끼고 소중히 여깁니다. 그리고 모두의 애완동물 또한 사랑합니다.
모험을 받아들이세요
우리는 크랙헤드(Crackhead) 문화를 지향합니다. 우리는 미친 사람들이고 더욱 미친 사람들을 찾고 있습니다. 우리와 함께 하는 사람들은 단지 직업을 원하는 것이 아니라, 그들은 이 모험을 믿습니다.
혁신하세요, 매일 매일
우리는 기회를 놓치지 않습니다. 우리는 문을 만듭니다. 우리는 혁신적인 아이디어가 단지 사람들에게 인센티브를 주는 것에서 오는 것이 아니라 아이디어들이 연결될 수 있는 환경을 만드는 것에서 나온다고 믿습니다.
우리는 딱딱하지도 않고 기업적이지도 않습니다. 우리는 스타트업의 열정과 대담함, 그리고 스케일업의 전문성과 실용성을 가지고 있습니다.
지속적인 성장
우리는 평생 학습을 강조합니다. 여러분의 첫날은 회사의 문화, 규율, 고객 및 업무에 대한 포괄적인 개요로 시작합니다. 웹 세미나, 컨퍼런스, 구독 서적 및 강좌로 여러분을 안내합니다.
유동적인 재능
직원과 고용은 진화하고 있으며, 우리는 보다 전 세계에 분산된 작업 모델을 채택하여 적응하고 있습니다. 우리는 직원들이 우리의 문화와 팀에 완전히 몰입하면서 가장 편리한 곳에서 일할 수 있는 환경을 제공합니다. 여러분이 지속적으로 고퀄리티의 작업을 제공하는 한, 당신이 주재하는 사무실과 상관없이 다양한 역할로 일할 수 있는 가능성이 있을 것입니다. 가능하면 유연하고 합리적인 재택근무도 제공합니다.
국제 프로젝트 참여
우리는 고무적이고 압도적인 프로젝트들을 진행하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트들은 여러분의 지식을 더할 뿐만 아니라 결과적으로 여러분이 무엇으로 만들어진 인재인지 보여줄 수 있습니다.
글로벌 환경
우리 팀은 모든 사람을 위한 기회와 성장에 대한 공평한 접근과 함께 지구의 풍부한 다양성을 반영합니다.
놀기위해서 일해요
'열심히 일하고, 열심히 놀아라'가 유일한 목표는 아닙니다. 우리의 생각은 일과 놀이의 경계를 모호하게 하는 것입니다. 우리는 그런 사람들에게 보상할 수 있는 파격적인 방법을 항상 찾고 있습니다. 혹시 다른 직원을 추천하면 보너스를 준다는 것을 알고 계신가요? 여러분이 Ollang팀에 조인하게 되면, 저희를 믿을 수 없을 정도로 똑똑한 다른 사람들에게 소개하는 것을 주저하지 마세요.